
Soami Shiv Dyal Singh Ji mostly Known to Followers with name of Soami Ji Maharaj, His actual name was Seth Shiv Dayal Singh ji, He was born on August 25, 1818 in a Khatri family residing in Panni Gali,Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India,He is Considered to be the founder of Radha Soami faith,He was a follower of Sant Tulsi Das ji .Sant Tulsi Das initiated him at the age of 6 years,Soami ji was a teacher but he left his job for religious pursuits.
His father, Dilwali Singh, a banker by profession was a highly religious person. Deep religiosity became evident in Shiv Dayalji from early childhood and he started regular spiritual practice at the age of six. He spent most of his time in spiritual pursuits, often shutting himself up in a small room for days. At the age of five, he was sent to school where he learnt Hindi, Urdu, Persian and Gurumukhi. Later he acquired proficiency in Persian and wrote a book in that language. He also acquired a working knowledge of Arabic and Sanskrit. As a student he was generous and affectionate towards his fellow students and respectful to his teachers.
He was married at an early age to Naraini Devi, daughter of Izzat Rai of Faridabad. She was of generous disposition and was very devoted to her husband. He Practised Surat Shabad Yog for 15 years,he started doing Satsang on the spring festival.He did this for years.
His gracious and serene personality left a deep imprint upon many a learned man who became his ardent followers. On the request of his beloved disciple, Rai Saligram, he laid the foundation of the Radhasoami Satsang on Basant-Panchami day in January 1861. The Satsang grew rapidly and the number of devotees in his life-time rose to three thousand, which included men and women from all the major communities of India. For full seventeen years he presided over the Satsang meetings at his residence, Panni Gali, Agra
Then He departed from this world on June 15, 1878 in Agra, India.His successor was Baba Jaimal Singh, who taken the Radha Soami movement to Dera,Beas(Amritsar)

                                         Baba Jaimal Singh Radha Soami
Baba Jaimal Singh is known to the devotees with the name of Baba ji Maharaj.Baba Ji is the founder Of Dera,Radha Soami satsang Beas which is known by the name Dera Baba Jaimal Singh.
Baba Jaimal Singh ji was born in village Lath Ghuman near Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India, in July 1839.Baba Ji was a dvotee of Bhakt Naamdev ji and Baba ji started visiting him at the age of four.
At the age of 12-13 years he started studying Guru Granth Sahib at home,He came to realise that Guru Granth Sahib rejects the rituals like fasting,temple worship and bathing on pilgrimages etc,he understood that to find the God in innerself,one need to find a true Master,so he began to search for the master.After the journey of 2 years in norhthen India,he found the true master in Swami Shiv Dyal Ji of Agra.
From June 7, 1889 and Baba Ji started living in his village, and later built a hut near river Beas,with the passage of time the number of devotees increases and then baba ji built a Dera near river Beas.He found his successor in Baba Sawan Singh.He left his mortal body on Dec 29, 1903.

                                  Baba Sawan Singh Ji Radha Soami style=
Baba Sawan Singh ji is also known as great Master.He was second Guru of Dera,Radha Soami satsang Beas(RSSB).He became the guru after the death of founder of Radha Soami Satsang Beas,Baba Jaimal Singh
Hazur Baba Sawan Singh ji was born on 27th july 1858 in village Jatala near Ludhiana.He was majestic and attractive,he studied scriptures of various religions,he met Baba Jaimal singh who initiated him. He was serving the Indian Army,He retired from Army in 1911 and set up Dera Baba Jaimal Singh at Beas,whose foundation was put up by his Guru and first Guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas,He started building houses and Satsang pandal at the Dera premsis.

                                        Baba Jagat Singh, Radha Soami
Maharaj Jagat Singh Ji was the third Guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas, He hold the office after the death of second master Baba Sawan Singh.He was born on 20th July, 1884 at Nussi, a small village near Jalandhar.He received His education in the Mission School at Jalandhar and later took his M.Sc. degree in Chemistry. He joined the Punjab Agricultural College, Lyallpur, in 1911 as Assistant Professor of Chemistry and retired as Vice Principal of the institution in 1943.
On December 28, 1910 he was initiated by Huzur Maharaj Baba Sawan Singh Ji into the Surat Shabad Yog. He use to practice surat shabad yog whole heartedly,even because of his duties as a principal of the institution,he was very commited to Surat Shabad Yog,h was famous among the faculty members and students as "Guru ji".He liked Baba Sawan singh as his his mentor and his idol.His faith in Sawan singh ji was unshakable
Throughout his life,He used to spend his weekends at the Dera,with his Guru Baba Sawan Singh,After his retirement in 1943 he spent most of the time in Dera doing Meditation.He assumed charge of office of Guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas on April 1948 and engrossed Himself fully in carrying out the functions and duties entrusted to Him, despite His indifferent health,His soul departed from Earth on the 23rd October, 1951. He appointed Maharaj Charan Singh as his successor and fourth Guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas


Maharaj Charan Singh Ji was the Fourth guru of Dera baba Jaimal Singh,RSSB, he became the fourth Guru in 1951,after the death of Baba jagat Singh Ji, He served the humanity untill his death in 1990 in the age of 74 years.In 1990,Baba Gurinder Singh Ji Succeded him as satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas.
Maharaj Charan Singh Jiwas a spiritual teacher and the fourth Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB). He took over the leadership in 1951 after the untimely death of Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh,who in turn, had taken over the leadership from Baba Sawan Singh three years earlier. Maharaj Charan Singh Ji led the mission for thirty-nine years. He taught that, because of our attachment to the mind and body, we have lost sight of our true self. By using the ancient mystical practices of Sant Mat and Surat Shabd Yoga we could be aligned with our higher selves.
Today, the Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) organization is a global non-profit, charitable society with branches all over the world. Its mission is very clear; spread the spiritual knowledge of the group, carry out regular Satsangs / sermons, provide food and shelter for spiritual aspirants, publish relevant literature, and to support the running of a free hospital close to the head office in Bea, Punjab, India. After his death in 1990, he was succeeded by his nephew, Satguru Baba Gurinder Singh Ji.

Baba Gurinder Singh Ji mostly known to the followers with the name "BABA JI".He suceeded from Maharaj Charan Singh in 1991.He is one of the youngest teachers to be appointed to head the Dera,Radha Soami Satsang Beas. .Baba Gurinder Singh Ji, was born in 1954 on August 1. Before accepting the position to head the RSSB, he lived and worked in Spain
Baba Gurinder Singh,the spiritual head of Radha Soami Satsang, Beas, has a magnetic and radiant personality. Educated at Sanawar and Panjab University, Baba Ji believes that God is one, and that our soul is a particle of His divine essence. This divine essence is the spiritual vibration, the creative energy, the life-stream by which the creation took place and which energises and sustains all life and links us with our Creator. The soul has descended from its original Home of Bliss and has become a captive in the prison-house of mind and body.
Human life is a rare privilege. It provides the only opportunity to attain God-realisation. The God dwells in the human body and we should seek Him there. He is not to be found outside in forests, hills, holy river waters, temples and mosques. He has never been realised and will never be realised through external rites and rituals. It is not necessary to renounce the world and wander about to attain Him
The main obstacle between us and the Lord is our mind. This obstacle can be removed only by means of joining our soul with His True Name, also called the Divine Melody, the Sound Current, Shabd, Word or Logos. This True Name cannot be written, read or spoken. It is beyond all sensory knowledge. It can be realised only by direct perception of the soul. It is ringing all the 24 hours at the third eye in the forehead between and slightly above the two eyebrows.